Construction Cases
Mini-Fit Sigma 连接器 /connector
Molex's thin connector can be used to improve thin PCBS and application architectures
Ultra-Fit 电源连接器 /Power connector
Molex's ultra-FIT series eliminates cross-fit problems of the same circuit size, optimizes PCB space, and reduces terminal rollback rates
Micro-Fit+ 连接器系统/Connector system
Molex connectors reduce plug and pull forces by 40% for more reliable assembly
Micro-Fit 3.0 互连系统/Interconnected systems
Digi-key provides Molex's unique Micro-FIT 3.0 interconnect system
Nano-Fit 电源连接器 /Power connector
Molex's Nano-FIT power connector offers pin terminals in a miniature package with full protection
Automotive glass connector/车用玻璃连接器
Qingdao Sanshuo Technology Co.,LTD
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